The Hardieks-mill in Oesterweg is considered to be the oldest watermill of Versmold. With its idyllic cottage garden and grind pond, the historic property must be one of the most beautiful places of Oesterweg. Homeland researchers discovered that the mill has already been mentioned in the early 16th century. In the Ravensberger rental of 1556 the mill situated at Bruchbach is described as rotted. In 1602 the Lord on Stockheim acquired the mill of Oesterweg. In the 19th century the mill became private property. In 1860 a tragic accident, which is still remembered today, occurred: The heavily loaded grain floor of the house broke into two. The grain poured into the underlying child room and stifled the six-year-old son of family Müller. In the 20th century the well-known landscape and cultural heritage painter Wilhelm Raabe lived and worked there. His expressive work impresses up to today.
Shield No. 6
Bruchbachstraße 4
33775 Versmold
52.0432°N 8.21364°E