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Opposite to the recently converted Stadtsparkasse (bank institute) a modern purpose building next to the Town Hall can be found. Up to the end of the late 1960s a building called ‘Villa Westerfölke’ was situated there. Yet, built during times of the German Empire by family Delius, it was sold during the 20s to the manufacturing family Westerfrölke. Further, the neoclassical magnificent building was demolished in the late 60s. In its place the today Town Hall can be seen; an urbanistic decision that would certainly no longer be met today. In front of the Town Hall, a memorial can be found which reminds of the Jewish community of the city, who was victim to the Holocaust. This memorial was designed by students of the Versmold Gymnasium and was inaugurated in 2000.

Shield No. 6
Münsterstraße 16
33775 Versmold

52.02354°N 8.09171°E


to Wissmann`s farm in Versmold