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The history of the Versmold city park is almost a textbook example of civic engagement. Since 1843 the site was used by Anton Heinrich Delius as a private park. Delius completed the high forest terrain with numerous exotic trees and arranged the site to a park in the English style step by step. For 20,000 marks the city bought the park in 1901 from the heirs of Anton Heinrich Delius; numerous associations and individuals were involved in the financing. In 1902, the citizens finally established a ‘Verschönerungsverein’ (club of embellishment) with the aim of preparing the city park in the true sense of the word (making it a city park). Hence, it was the citizens who built their city park and nursed it themselves. Today, this task is handled by the ‘Hans Reinert Stiftung’ (charity). The charity has invested considerable funds in the meanwhile and created a new playground, a furnished water-treading basin, and is especially engaged in tree care.

Shield No. 18
Westheider Weg
33775 Versmold

52.047905°N 8.154324°E


to the singer hall (Villa) in the city park