Experience Versmold by bike

The BahnRadRoute (Train-bike-route) Teuto Senne
The BahnRadRoute Teuto Senne leads from the medieval Osnabrück to Paderborn, along the sunny west side of the Teutoburg Forest. Noteworthy is the wealth of cultural and historical highlights in the area of Ravensberg (Ravensberger Land). Especially Bockhorst, the old church village in the eastern part of the town Versmold, is always worth a visit. A separate brochure with premium maps is available for the BahnRadRoute Teuto Senne.
More informations www.bahnradrouten.de
The Bikeroute R14
Another exciting itinerary biking/cycling route is the R14 - a route around Versmold without gradients. It takes the cyclists through an area which shows the typical features of ostmünsterländischen sand levels. Through earlier decades, these sand levels offered little inventive to use the soil for agricultural purposes, due to bogs and dunes. Today, however, large lakes are embedded in this once monotonous field which function partly as habitats, and partly as a recreational area. Especially alluring is the ‘Versmolder Bruch’ (‘break’ of Versmold), which has become an undisturbed breeding and whereabouts for many bird species.
More informations www.teutonavigator.de
The Bikeroute R11
An equally attractive itinerary in the area of Gütersloh is the R11. Starting from the picturesque half-timbered village Bockhorst (parking in Bockhorst - center), this route results into a total of 22 km route through the villages Westbarthausen, Kleekamp, Holtfeld, Siedinghausen and back to Bockhorst. The trip takes 2.5 hours at gentle inclines.
More informations www.teutonavigator.de
Commuters Route Teuto – Ems
Around 150 varied kilometers of idyllic paths between the forest of Teutoburg and the river Ems invite you to a boundless cycling pleasure on a cross-border commuter route ‘Teuto – Ems’. As the name suggests, this route can be found on the border of different regions. Up to fourteen times the cyclist crosses landscape boundaries, county boundaries, borders and the historically significant border denomination during his journey and may experience the culture and history of the region by first hand. The frontier workers route ‘Teuto – Ems’ connects 12 cities and towns: Versmold, Borgholzhausen, Dissen, Bad Rothenfelde, Bad Laer, Glandorf, Ostbevern, Bad Iburg, Lienen, Hilter, Warendorf, and Sassenberg.
More informations www.grenzgaengerroute.de
The picnicker
Start your picnic tour in the heart of the city Versmold. This route, which is an ground even journey, has a total length of 73 kilometers and goes through three nature reserves, through some of the best cycling routes along the river Ems, and through the inner cities of Versmold, Harsewinkel, and Marienfeld.
The route ‘The picnickers’ and its brochure ‘Make circles again!’ is available at the City Hall of Versmold, Münsterstraße 16. The route is described in detail. You can also find it under www.teutonavigator.com.
More information and the Leisure Card can be found in the town hall:
Münsterstraße 16
Phone 05423 - 9540